Saturday, January 7, 2012

NYTimes: A Good Rental History Can Help Borrowers

From The New York Times:

MORTGAGES: A Good Rental History Can Help Borrowers

Experian added a section to millions of credit reports showing on-time rent payments; two other credit-reporting companies plan to follow suit.

NYTimes: Laid Off, With Retirement Almost in Sight

From The New York Times:

YOUR MONEY: Laid Off, With Retirement Almost in Sight

Many older unemployed people — nearly two million over age 55 — must make tough decisions about how to make up for lost income.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

NYTimes: Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs

From The New York Times:

Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs

Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada and much of Western Europe in part because of the depth of poverty, family background and the gaps between the rich and the rest.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

NYTimes: A Gathering Storm Over ‘Right to Work’ in Indiana

From The New York Times:

A Gathering Storm Over 'Right to Work' in Indiana

Indiana Republicans want to prohibit mandatory dues for private-sector workers, and to spur other states' efforts.

NYTimes: For 2012, Signs Point to Tepid Consumer Spending

From The New York Times:

For 2012, Signs Point to Tepid Consumer Spending

Although retail sales have remained relatively strong, high levels of consumer debt make it unlikely that rapid growth will help power economic expansion.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Article: Companies rate you with new scores | The Poughkeepsie Journal |

NYTimes: Nobody Understands Debt

From The New York Times:

OP-ED COLUMNIST: Nobody Understands Debt

The obsession with deficit reduction is wrongheaded and ill-informed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

NYTimes: How Low Can Rates Go?

From The New York Times:

MORTGAGES: How Low Can Rates Go?

Rates are just about as low as they've ever been. But you still need to have all your ducks in a row to take full advantage.

NYTimes: I Just Got Here, but I Know Trouble When I See It

From The New York Times:

ECONOMIC VIEW: I Just Got Here, but I Know Trouble When I See It

Jobs. Europe. Housing. Health care. The writers of the Economic View column examine these and other big issues of the new year, and possible ways to solve them.