Homeowners Facing Foreclosure May Qualify for Help - WBOY-TV - WBOY.com
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MORTGAGES: The Appeal of Adjustable Rates
In the first quarter of 2011, the market share of adjustable-rate mortgage rose to the highest point since mid-2008, to 12 percent, according to a trade publication.
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OFF THE CHARTS: Adding to Jobless Woes, Little Turnover in the Workplace
The low rate of job turnover suggests that people are staying with jobs they are unhappy with because of the weak economy and soft housing market.
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Foreclosure Protesters in Spain's Cities Now Go Door to Door
Young people battling Spain's harsh foreclosure system have moved their protests from city squares to individual homes, securing some promised changes in the process.
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DEALBOOK: Profit Up 24%, Citigroup Seeks Global Growth
The bank's return to health has meant more hiring and plans for more branches, but expenses have jumped and are expected to remain high this year.
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Fla. foreclosure fraud investigators forced out
DEALBOOK: Strong JPMorgan Profits Give Banks a Boost
JPMorgan Chase reported on Thursday that second quarter profit rose 13 percent to $5.4 billion, in spite of lingering mortgage troubles and weak trading results.
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ECONOMIX BLOG: Are We About to Repeat the Mistakes of 1937?
A tightening of monetary and fiscal policy in the belief that the Great Depression had run its course provides a cautionary tale, an economist writes.
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Bank of America's Mortgage Deal Questioned
The New York attorney general asked for information about the $8.5 billion settlement agreed to by Bank of America and investment firms holding soured mortgage securities.
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ECONOMIC SCENE: Why Taxes Will Rise in the End
Economists have a name for a budget that covers soaring medical costs and pays for the world's largest military with some of the world's lowest taxes: a free lunch.
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Bank's Deal Means More Will Lose Their Homes
As part of its $8.5 billion settlement with investors, Bank of America will turn over the work on tens of thousands of troubled mortgages to smaller servicers.
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Economy Faces a Jolt as Benefit Checks Run Out
About 20 percent of personal income comes from government payments, and as programs are trimmed, reduced consumer spending could slow the recovery.
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EDITORIAL: The Worst Time to Slow the Economy
June's bleak job numbers should change the conversation in the debt-limit talks.
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MORTGAGES: Credit Unions Join the Fray
Their mortgage rates aren't notably below the competition, but some credit unions are aggressively pushing loans they say have lower fees or more flexible terms.
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