EDITORIAL: A Polarizing Polar Bear Investigation
The validity of a government biologist's study of polar bears and global warming has been questioned. But this is really just a sideshow to the reality of climate change.
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EDITORIAL: A Polarizing Polar Bear Investigation
The validity of a government biologist's study of polar bears and global warming has been questioned. But this is really just a sideshow to the reality of climate change.
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DEALBOOK: For Bank of America, Countrywide Bankruptcy Is Still an Option
Mounting losses at Countrywide might overwhelm Bank of America. The best strategy, the Deal Professor says, would appear to be to throw Countrywide into bankruptcy.
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WAY OF THE WORLD: Economic Crisis Will Leave Scars That Last for Years
Prolonged economic slowdowns make their mark not only through the pain they cause while we are in the middle of them; they have a permanent, and largely malignant, impact.
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U.S. Seeks Ideas on Renting Out Foreclosed Property
The Obama administration wants to turn properties into rentals to be sold in bulk or managed by someone else.
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DEALBOOK: Bank of America Shares Drop 20%
Shares in the banking giant tumbled by 20.3 percent to $6.51 a share on Monday, renewing fears over its financial health.
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Second Recession in U.S. Could Be Worse Than First
Policy makers exhausted their resources in the last recession and, in a weaker economy, would have few options the next time.
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A.I.G. to Sue Bank of America Over Mortgage Bonds
The suit seeks to recover more than $10 billion in losses on mortgage-backed securities, claiming Bank of America and its affiliates misrepresented the quality of the underlying mortgages.
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MORTGAGES: Co-Signing on the Dotted Line
If the principal borrower defaults on the loan, the co-signer is on the hook.
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Too Greedy to Fail
Contributors to the financial collapse of 2008 emerge in Justin Cartwright's novel.
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LETTERS: Too Many Rules for Home Loans, or Too Few?
Readers respond to "Some Bankers Never Learn" (Fair Game, July 31).
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