Foreclosure relief should include mortgages owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which hold roughly 30 million mortgage loans.
Foreclosure relief should include mortgages owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which hold roughly 30 million mortgage loans.
Across the Country, Looking for the Recovery
Cities across the country have shown economic improvement in recent months, but it's a joyless recovery for people still feeling the pinch.
OP-ED CONTRIBUTORS: Designing a Fix for Housing
Better design is precisely what suburban America needs in the housing crisis.
BUCKS BLOG: I.R.S. Offers Tool on Repayment of Home Buyer Tax Credit
The I.R.S. is offering an online tool to help taxpayers who have to repay the home buyers' tax credit.
Mortgage Plan Gives Homeowners Bulk of the Benefits
Under the settlement, officials said Thursday, about $5 billion will go in cash payments to states and federal authorities, $17 billion will be earmarked for homeowner relief and roughly $3 billion will go for refinancing.
States Negotiate $26 Billion Deal for Homeowners
Nearly two million Americans could benefit from mortgage relief from the nation's biggest banks, as part of a broad government settlement to be announced as early as Thursday.
Company Faces Forgery Charges in Mo. Foreclosures
The charges against DocX, which provided home foreclosure services to lenders across the nation, are one of the few criminal actions to follow reports of widespread improprieties against homeowners.
Deal Is Closer for a U.S. Plan on Mortgage Relief
Potential support from California and New York would come in exchange for tightening provisions in order to preserve the right to investigate past misdeeds by the banks, and stepping up oversight.
EDITORIAL: An Easier Path to Refinancing
President Obama's new mortgage refinancing plan could provide considerable relief for millions of homeowners shackled to high interest rates, if Congress approves it.
A Mortgage Tornado Warning, Unheeded
Inspired by a personal experience, a businessman began delving into the practices of the mortgage industry, including Fannie Mae. His findings have been prescient.